Saturday, May 25, 2013


Remember all the plagues in the Bible?

I feel like I'm in the middle of them.

First there was the plague of the wasps.  They were all around our house.  They were on the back patio while the kids tried to play.  They built a nest in my bird house on the front porch.  This plague has gotten slightly better.

Then there was the plague of the ants.  I found ants crawling in my pantry floor.  Thoroughly cleaned the pantry with vinegar water and thought I got rid of them after spraying too.  Nope.  They just moved out into the open, the brave little suckers.  Still got 'em.  Working on getting rid of them now.

Next came the plague of the skunk.  You know all about that drama and it's still continuing.  The other day as I was coming home from Mom's house, he was brazen enough to tramp right across our front yard!  I swear as he walked with his swagger, he flipped me off with his tail.  So the kids and I were still in the car and got this picture. 

Now we're onto the plague of the COCKROACHES!  

Yep, that's right, cockroaches.

As I was refilling my coffee pot for tomorrow morning, I noticed something black swirl around as I poured my coffee into the reservoir.  Taking a closer look, it was a bug that had drowned!  EEEEWWWWW!  Considering I had already drank the coffee that had be made and he was probably in there!!!

After really freaking out as best I could quietly so my kids didn't see, I gathered myself and did what any wife would do.

I called my hubby and work and squealed and vented and saved it in a container for him to look at when he gets home.

Then I remembered the other night as I was going to bed, I had come back in the kitchen to get something and found a cockroach looking thing on that exact same counter top.  I smashed him, thought nothing more of it.  I thought he had just snuck in when a door was open.


So I get a flashlight to look closer because there's a crack above where the coffee pot is.  Not really a crack, but a small space between the cabinet and the wall.

SON OF A #&*$^*#&$&#!

There's his buddy!!!

So hubby told me where the RAID was.  I think I might've used 1/2 a can.  I sprayed so good, the yellow liquid RAID was running down my wall.  But I didn't care at that point.  

No cockroach coming out.  HUH? 

I'm really curious to see if he's still up there, maybe twitching in death, but I"m not about to stick my head underneath there to look up.  No way.

So I get called off to do some Mommy thing and when I come back, I let out a big squeal.

Because there on my counter is Buddy #2 lying there twitching as he sucks up the RAID in his nasty buggy lungs.

And here they are.  RIP little suckas!

Sorry I had to go all "Billy the Exterminator" on you.  Well, not really THAT sorry.  

That Duerksen Mama will kill ANYTHING that she doesn't want on her property!

Bugs, Wasps, Skunks, Cockroaches, Ants, ANYTHING!

Spread the word!  

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