Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Kindergarten WORK!

Josh got on the big, bad school bus today.


So it's not the big, bad school bus, but it is big.  

And it did take my kid away.

Josh was scared and started to balk at 7:15, but we talked through it.

The school bus picks Josh up at the end of our driveway!

The bus driver seemed nice.  

I cried as I walked back to the porch because he looked so scared when I looked at him thru the window.  

I wanted to go yank him off the bus and yell, "Oh screw it.  It won't be that hard to load an infant, an opinionated 3 year old, and Josh in the care at the butt crack of dawn every day to take him."

But I didn't.  I just went back inside and sulked in my bed.

But he made it to school.  How do I know?  Chad picked him up!  Ha!

When I checked his book bag, there were a couple of things in there.  

And here was one of them:

That's right ladies and gentleman!!!!!  

After a year and a half practicing at home with mom....


Josh F-I-N-AL-L-Y knows how to write the "S" in his name!

He wrote it correctly on all 3 pages!

And then here was the last page of the assignment.  He had to draw a picture using all 3 shapes.

And notice the hearts for me!

I'm so proud of him.  

He did say that today wasn't as much fun as the first day because they didn't have as much time to play and more work to do.

Welcome to life, Buddy.  

Welcome to life......

Monday, August 18, 2014

My B-I-G boy....

I knew today was coming.

Heavens...I knew it when he was born!  The days were already numbered.

The day would come when he would leave for school.  REAL school.

Not preschool; only a couple of hours a couple of days a week.

But the R-E-A-L school where it's every day.  And in this case, starting in October, all day.

It was tough dropping him off.  

The whole family went!  (Even Zoey tried to come!)

Parking was CRAZY! 

 And Josh did great!  Until he realized it was FOR REAL. 

His little eyes got red.  You know the look when you're about to cry.

But by golly....he did great.  He held it in.  He tried to be brave.

Seeing your baby cry and be scared is hard.  But then you see he's grown.  And he's trying to be brave.  Which makes him look even more mature.  

And then I tried to be brave.

Kiss on the cheek.  A hug.  You'll do great.  And let's leave.  

I think I even saw Daddy tear up.  Although he'll probably never admit to it.  

It was tough.  

On everyone.

Even Macey on the way home asked, "Where is Josh?"  

The only one happy to see him 'go' was Zoey.  A 3 hour break from pestering.  Ha Ha!