Monday, August 30, 2010

A Great Weekend

I had the best weekend with my family.  Mom and I went shopping and got some cute work clothes.  (Black pants can get sooooo old after a while in the winter.)  Then we played outside after nap at Grandma and Grandpa's.  Josh got to play in the water, 'mow' the lawn, pick acorns, and even eat an apple off the tree.  (This is his new thing to do.)

Sunday was even better.  The boys jumped on the bed.  Their instructions were actually to MAKE the bed, but hey, whatever works.  

 Chad's hiding from the camera...can ya tell?!

And then Daddy got tackled......TOUCHDOWN!

Then we went to church as a family.  It was a great day.  We found out that some of our friends are expecting a baby in late February.  We came home and ate lunch, then napped.  ALL THREE OF US!  Chad slept the longest.  Yeah, it'll be a while till he lives THAT one down!
Then I made dinner real quick, but it in the oven on low, then we all went to the park.  Actually the playground behind my school, but still a rockin' good time was had by all. 

and I do mean all of us!!


It was a little windy, but the whole time I was playing with Josh and Chad, all I could think about was how good God is to me.  I have a wonderful family, a great husband, an awesome kid, and a great life. 

Friday, August 27, 2010

Here we are during bath time.  I love this time because he smells so good afterward and he's corralled for a while!  Bonus! 

This is what I see after I turn around from washing my face.  All his little toys lined up in a row on the ledge of the bathtub.  How cute!

This is something I used to do to entertain him.  I'd put things on his head and he loved it. 

And that's the face after he crapped in the tub.  Party foul!

I could go into detail of the hilarious story of the little grunts, the shaking his head 'no' when asked if he pooped, pointed at the poop as it went down the drain, etc....but I'll spare you the details.  Let's just say the bath ended in a hurry.

Crazy Kid

My life would be so boring without Josh.  Case in point....

Well, I was just going to do one point, but there are so many! 

Mom and Dad had just dropped Ralphie off for the weekend and Josh found the best "hidey hole".

Hey.....Zoey does it, so why can't he??

Do you KNOW how far two cups of flour goes or how much floor space it can cover?  I do!

And, just as I was finishing this post, this morning he does the mother of all things....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh Boy

Boys are so much different than girls.  Josh and I were outside on Saturday weeding the flower garden.  The neighbors were also out.  They have two little girls - one who is almost 5 and another who is almost 2.  The girls were playing nicely while their Mommy was painting the trim on their house.  They were playing dolls, playing house, just playing nicely.  I turn around and Josh is dumping out all the gardening tools, has the broom out, and is getting into Daddy's toolbox....with the sharp heavy implements!

So....I bring out the washable chalk I had been saving for a rainy day.  (Truth be told, I was waiting for a 'cool' day.)  He loves it!  It's something new....and best of's messy!  That chalk is all over the front of his outfit as he stands there holding all five giant chalks watching the "good girls" next door play pretend.  He's just mesmerized by them. 

Then, I look back and....he's coloring a bright green caterpillar with his red chalk!  Aggghhh!!!   He's literally pushing the poor thing along with the chalk.  So now the caterpillar has a green front half and a red back half.  I rescue the caterpillar and put it on the tree.  I'll bet he never makes the mistake of coming to the Duerksen house again!

But all I could think about while this was going on was how wonderful my life is.  I'm outside playing with my ornery boy.  No worries other than how to make sure I pull the weeds and not the flowers by mistake.  Just me, my boy, and flowers.  It was wonderful!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer Part Two

Summer Part Two
Chad and I at the Hoover Dam (during our Vegas trip)

First Trip to the Zoo

Offering the Tiger a Drink

Petting the animals....AND LOVIN' IT!

Eating Homemade Ice Cream with Great Grandpa Hoyt on the 4th of July

Watchin' the Fireworks

Helping Mommy with Laundry

On a Tractor with Grandpa Ray

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our Summer - Part One

I'm baaaaaaack!!!!  After a long hiatus, I'm back to blogging.  You also will notice that I've switched blog 'carriers'.  A colleague of mine uses this instead of typepad, and holy cow is it easier.  The picture upload WAY faster and it is easier to blog.  Hopefully, that will mean more posts!

Since starting a new grade and going back to work, I'll do an 'easy' blog with some picture of our summer.  Enjoy!

Feeding the ducks with Grandpa and Grandma at the park.

Helping Mommy and Daddy Pack for Las Vegas.

Sleeping Peacefully.....ahhhhh good ol' times.

Staying Hydrated after Swim Lessons