Monday, February 21, 2011

Backyard Heaven

We're currently saving up to make/purchase a backyard play set for Josh.  He'll really need it this summer.  I'm thinking Chad should start designing/building this:

Don't you agree?!?!?

He's Smart....Too Smart

Sometimes Josh just amazes me with his understanding.  Even though he is only speaking the first syllable of words, which by the way makes for interesting guessing games, he understands EVERYTHING!

For instance, mom and I were shopping at JCPenneys on Friday.  I had some coupons and sales I was going to take advantage of and buy Josh some 2T shirts since his others are becoming midriffs.  Josh really didn't want to shop (he had spent most of the day outside taking in the beautiful weather), but before we left, I wanted to look at the sale/clearance baby girl clothes. 

Josh did not want to do this, so I explained to him that we had to go look at clothes for the baby in Mommy's tummy.  He was looking like he was willing to do it, but needed some more convincing.  So I said, "We don't want the baby to be naked, do we?"

He really understood that, so we looked at clothes.  And every time he started to act impatient, I reminded him that we were looking at clothes for the new baby.  Well, evidently this stuck.

Fast forward to Sunday morning.  Mom had given me a sack of new baby girl stuff.  I had dumped it on the floor and was sorting through it when Josh walked over and said matter-of-factly, "Baby." 

"Yes, Josh.  This is all stuff for the baby."

Then, without missing a beat, he said, "Naked."

"Yes honey.  The baby won't be naked."

Mr. Smarty Pants........

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Basketball Time!!!

Thank goodness for early spring gifts of 'warm' weather.  Josh is just itching to get outside and play, so any day that is over 60 degrees, you'll find the Duerksen family outside. 

And of course, he gets distracted and wants to ride his toys.  (I think this is a tricycle we got from Great Aunt Charlene.)

He's not willing to try to pedal yet, so he just makes it 'granny go.'


And here's Daddy proving he's still got skills.

Taking a break to ham it up for the camera.

And here's how we ended up.  It's the only way Josh can make sure that Daddy isn't a ball hog. 

We had a blast.

Our New Favorite Snack

Josh has discovered marshmallows, thanks to Grandma Evie.

Zoey thinks they're pretty cool, too.

Our own bowl of mini marshmallows watching Winnie the Pooh.  Does life get much better than this?

Stupid Broad

Ok.  So I had a 'snack attack' this morning and had enough time to run to get an Almond Joy at the store this morning.  As I'm checking out, the cashier looks at me and says,

"When are you due?"


"Ohhhhhhh.  Are you sure?!"

Silence.  She's lucky she still has most of her teeth...most of them.

Stupid broad.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Big Boy Eating

The chocolate pudding was messy, but he did it himself.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby D2

Did you know that our baby girl is now about 13 inches long and weighs about a pound and a half?  (Contrary to what I think of her as being 10 pounds and 2 feet long!)  She also already has intricate details such as fingerprints.  It's so amazing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Have you ever.....

Have you ever had a bad day?

Have you ever had a bad day and needed a hug?

Have you ever had a bad day and needed a hug from someone so bad that while at Wal-Mart it crossed your mind to ask the stranger in the chip isle for one?

I have.

Stupid hormones!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Engineer

Watch out Uncle Ross and Uncle Paul!!!  Josh might be taking your job someday! 

He loves to figure out how to arrange ALL his bath toys on the ledge and line them up.  (As I've stated before, bath time is a joyous time for everyone in the Duerksen house.  I have Josh confined to a small space with limited trouble he can get into, and Daddy gets 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted time downstairs either watching TV or playing his game.)

Even when I try to only let him have a few bath toys, he always knows there's more.  He always has to have ALL OF THEM!

Look at that concentration!!!

And his newest thing he's started doing is this:

"I did it!"  It's so cute to hear him say. 

Then we figured out one of the trucks can hold just the tiniest bit of water.  And boy is that fun.  It's even more fun when mommy squeals at the water on the floor. 

And here's my bath boy.  He's so cute. 

P.S.  Don't ya like his new haircut?!?!

Makin' Cookies

This is probably from a week or so ago.  We decided to make cookies.  Hey, the preggo lady thought cookie dough sounded good.  And I know that they say not to eat it because of the possibility of salmonella and such and getting sick and yada yada yada, but hey...I was willing to risk it.  And I've never heard of a pregnant lady dying from eating cookie dough. 

Josh was also thrilled that we got to eat cookie dough.  He loved licking the beaters, or at least trying to.  It's hard to figure out how to wrap your tongue around the beater to get off the most dough. 

He was an extraordinary mess by the time we were done, but hey, life is messy sometimes.

Then it was time to be done and I took the beaters from him.  As I turned around to the sink to set the beaters down, I turned around to find him...


with the spoon eating off the spoon.  GETTING HUGE CHUNKS TO EAT!  He wasn't done yet!

Funny boy.  I love him.