Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Engineer

Watch out Uncle Ross and Uncle Paul!!!  Josh might be taking your job someday! 

He loves to figure out how to arrange ALL his bath toys on the ledge and line them up.  (As I've stated before, bath time is a joyous time for everyone in the Duerksen house.  I have Josh confined to a small space with limited trouble he can get into, and Daddy gets 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted time downstairs either watching TV or playing his game.)

Even when I try to only let him have a few bath toys, he always knows there's more.  He always has to have ALL OF THEM!

Look at that concentration!!!

And his newest thing he's started doing is this:

"I did it!"  It's so cute to hear him say. 

Then we figured out one of the trucks can hold just the tiniest bit of water.  And boy is that fun.  It's even more fun when mommy squeals at the water on the floor. 

And here's my bath boy.  He's so cute. 

P.S.  Don't ya like his new haircut?!?!

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