Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What a Day....

One might think that with the extra hour given with the end of Daylight Savings Time I might get to do something neat with it.'s a glimpse into my Sunday:

Josh woke up about 7:30 or so.  No biggie.  Turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, gave him a 'shake'  and trotted out to get the paper.  Read a little of the paper, then was told to get in the shower before I'm late for church.  Like I can't read the clock! 

Well, Josh didn't take a shower the night before because he and Chad were having too much fun wrestling, so he had to shower with me.  Which, he loves.  He loves the shower like it's raining and he loves being a big boy.  Well after we all scrub the important parts, I get out to give myself a head start.  All of the sudden I smell poo.  I thought, "Well Gee Chad, Open a window!"  Then, Josh pulls back the shower curtain and cries.  I knew IMMEDIATELY what I was going to find.  I pull back the shower curtain even more....and....there it is.  Yep.  Poo.  Right there in my shower.  Josh immediately starts to cry, well, because I think he's just embarrassed. 

Right before this happened, Josh had been stomping on the shower floor.  (He's recently learned that and I think he learned it from Sunday School.  "If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet.")  So Chad pokes his head in at the exact right time and asks if I needed him.  Well, I didn't, but I do now!

Chad took Josh and cleaned him up and I got the pooper scooper duty.  Yuck.  Just what I needed when I'm feeling queasy. 

The rest of the morning was good and uneventful, but then after church, stuff hit the fan again.

Josh and I had stopped at Dillons to pick up some stuff.  When we got home, I left him in the car for a moment while I took the 3 bags in.  As soon as I set the bags down, I see it......the trash has been dumped by Zoey.

I go get Josh out of the car and clean it up.  Josh meanwhile, is pointing to the mess.  He KNOWS heads are gunna roll over this.  Then I just happen to walk thru the living room and Zoey had pooped on the carpet!  Aggghhh!!  (Did I mention it's just me and Josh?  Chad is at church teaching Sunday School.)

I throw Zoey outside and start to clean that up.  Then I go down the hall for something and I realize its awful quiet from the short guy.  I go in the living room to find him and I can't!  I look a little closer and he's crouched behind his chair and tried to cover with a blanket.  I immediately know he's up to no good.  Then I see it.....MY LIPSTAIN!  Not lipstick, but lipstain!  STAIN!  He's colored on my wallet, on his hands, and a little on the carpet!!!  Please-cut a pregnant lady whose tired and by herself a freakin' break!!!!!

I call mom to see what on earth I use to get it out of the carpet.  I'm so mad and frustrated I can't even think what might take it out.  She tells me to get some make up remover and thank goodness, it worked. 

I fed Josh and myself lunch and then took a nap.  It was needed both mentally and physically.  Otherwise I might have ended up in the cuckoo's nest!

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