Friday, November 5, 2010


So this posting might qualify as TMI (Too Much Information), but oh well. 

So I'm sitting at church on Sunday and I'm breathing kind of heavy.  Chad asks what's wrong and my reply is, "Oh nothing.  These pants are too tight."  What the world?!  I'm not even three months along and I already need maternity pants?  Oh hail to the no!

So, I go another week in my regular pants, specifically my dress slacks that I wear to school.  And I am DETERMINED not to break out the maternity pants yet.  Just too...depressing.  No one starts to show at 3 months.  And all this time, all I can think is, "Oh #$%&#$.  It's twins." or "I'm going to be like one of those celebrities that gains 75 pounds.   But I won't have a personal trainer to help me take it off in an obscene amount of time."  

So, what do I do last night?  After the 5th day in a row of feeling like I was being cut in half every time I sat down........I finally did it.  I broke out the maternity slacks and washed them.  But, the saga doesn't end there!

I think, well, I've lost about 30 pounds since I've last put them on, I'd better see if they still fit.  Conflicted feelings enter my brain.  That'd be great if they're too big!  That means I've kept the weight off!  But then there's the other voice saying, "Just great.  More money out the door."  

Let's just say it's a good thing that JCPenney's is cheap and has tons of coupons this Saturday.  Now, just send happy thoughts my way that it's not twins and that I can get my 'morning sickness butt' out of bed early enough to hit the sales!!!


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