Monday, November 15, 2010

I'll Let You in on a Little Secret...

OK.  So I've received the okay from Chad to blog about this.  (You have no idea how many blog posts might cause a 'discussion'.)

Here's a little hint:

We think we might be having twins.  Well, make that me and Chad's going along with it. 

Here are some signs that you might be having twins.  And granted, the biggest sign would be if we would've gotten pregnant using IVF, but we didn't.

We meet numbers 6, 8, 9, and 10.  We won't meet or find out #3 and #4 because those are a part of genetic testing, which Chad and I choose not to do.  (Our philosophy is God gives us a gift and we take it no matter what 'shape' its in.  It doesn't change a thing for us.)  And we won't find out #1 until mid-January and we won't possibly know #2 and #5 until the day before Thanksgiving when we have our next appointment.

But the biggest thing I have that I think means I'm having twins or at least it would explain a lot is the excessive weight gain and the hunch.  I've already gained about 10 pounds!!!!  It better be twins or we've got issues.  Some days I'm so dang hungry, I want to finish Josh's meal.  Some days I'm so hungry I'll wake up at 2 a.m. and honestly be S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!  I'm so hungry all the time.  I'm also so tired all the time.  It may just be from holding down a full-time job and having a family with a kid at home, but boy howdy, I'm EXHAUSTED! 

Anyway, I could go on and on about my hormonal feelings and how I think I'm having twins, but that's enough for now.  That's all the 'freaking out' I can take.  I think about it in small doses. 

Anyone volunteer to be a live-in nanny if we do have twins? 

1 comment:

  1. MEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'm praying for TWINS!!! But I'll take triplets.....
