Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stupid Wiener Powder

I was miraculously ready for church on time, some might even consider a little early, and boy was it a good thing.  Chad was at work and I really wanted to go to church today.  Most days its hard to go to church without Chad to help me corral Josh.  Anyway, by miracles or miracles, God knew I needed to be ready early today.

I was all ready, so I decided to put Josh's church clothes on.  I was picking out his clothes in his dresser when I heard him sprint behind the chair in his room.  No biggie, I thought.  Just a few wipes on the floor or a few diapers.  I needed to get his clothes more than I needed to get the wipes or diapers from him, or so I thought. 

Then, a few short seconds later, he comes over to me holding the wiener powder upside down so that it is POURING on the floor.  I squeal, which makes Josh giggle and run behind the chair, I luckily was able to grab the powder from him, but it was too late.  The damage had been done.  But I took it all in stride.  I calmly (and while snickering) got my camera and a rag.



I told him to show me his hands.

He had it all over the front of him, so that when he jumped on the chair, my nice brown leather chair turned into white leather.  Then the chair looked like this:

This is what it looked like in his hidey hole (behind the chair.)  That boy loves to take random stuff, or more accurately, things he shouldn't have, behind that chair.

Then I got out the vacuum.  I also vacuumed Josh. 

It was the only way to try and clean up his clothes.  

On the plus side.....he (and the room) did smell nice!   

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