Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sunday in Okeene

Then on Sunday we went to church.  But since the Duerksen clan was ready and looked fabulous, I decided we should try and get a family picture.  Yeah, right.  Here are some that we took:

Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!

Making funny faces.

Yeah, picture time was over.  Someone had had enough. 

Still trying to get one good picture.  (Can you tell it was windy?)

Can you tell how desperate I was to get a good picture?

This is the picture of the 'nursery'.  There's not a nursery where you can drop your kids off at the Okeene Mennonite church.  It's a small room in the back of the sanctuary with a crib, crayons, and a few toys.  (I think the 1960s called and want everything back.)

Thank goodness Kendell and Maddie decided to help me out and entertain Josh.  They all sat at the table and colored nicely.  (Even Josh!)  Well, for about 15 minutes anyway.  But he was good too!

Then Josh, Chad, Kendell and I walked home.  (The church is only 2 blocks from Granny Heffel's house.)

Then, I HAD to stop and take a picture of this.  Mom-did you notice this?  Two or three houses down from Granny Heffels is this house:

Yep.  That's right.  The PMS Ranch.  It's a large expensive wood fence with concrete pillars that surrounds 2 houses.  I saw a person going inside, and it looked like she might have a girlfriend, if you catch my drift.  Oh well, it's just what I needed.  Think there's room for one more?

Then after eating a fabulous lunch made mostly by Grandma Evie, we hopped in Grandma Jodi's awesome ride (it has a DVD player that plays all Snoopy all the time) and headed for home.  We even stopped to get ice cream at Sonic in Enid!

Yeah, everything had to be hosed off when we got home.  But it was good!

1 comment:

  1. I never noticed that!!!! How funny! I think I'll post it to the top of MY blog!

    We did have a good time - I'm glad we could all be there!
