Thursday, November 7, 2013

Things That Make You Go.......WHAAAA?????

I must just be running out of patience with society.

I know that we live in a free country, but some people take that WAY too far.

I've been running across thing that just plain make me say, "What the world?"

Here are a few:

Do you EVER in this LIFETIME see Chad wearing PJs like that?!?!

And do you ever see me being the type of mom to allow that?!  

Encouraging gaming or electronics on the potty?  

Oh where to start?!?!  Peeing on the screen (even though it has a screen protector), peeing everywhere because you're watching something, never getting off the potty, abusing the potty so you can have screen time, etc.


Then I was looking for more inspiration for decorating my kitchen (coffee themes) and ran across this:

That's right.  He wants to put coffee in the nether regends and retain it for about 20 minutes.  WTW?  

I'll drink mine Dr. Wilson.

I could post more things that are weird, but where to stop?!?!?


  1. What. On. EARTH are you searching for on the internet when you find this stuff??!!!?

  2. hahahahahaha! You're still logged in on my computer and I commented as you!!!!

