Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Lights and Santa

Last year, we went to see Christmas lights and found the best display ever.  It's called "Lights on St. Paul" and it's sponsored by an organization who "serves the needs of over 7,000 local individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities."  It's really cool. 

After we drove thru the lights, which Josh got to get out of his carseat and sit in the front with us (too cool BTW), we asked if he wanted to see Santa.  At first he said yes.  Then we got out of the car and his tune started to change.  He wasn't really sure.  So we asked if he wanted to go sit with Santa and we got an immediate "NO" that never changed.  His answer never wavered. 

But.....we're evil parents and made him anyway. 

While we were standing in line, we tried to talk about all the other little boys and girls who were sitting with Santa. 

Thank goodness there were no screaming kids ahead of us.  The kids made it look so easy.  

Those dang kids must have wanted the entire toy department at Wal-Mart they took so long.  There were only 3 kids in front of us but it took a good 10 minutes to tell Santa their wishes.  So we had to entertain. 

Daddy's always up for a good ride.  This lasted all of 3 minutes.  But finally, it was our turn.  While we were trying to coax Josh into doing it, Chad and I were working out our game plan. 

"OK.  You put Josh on Santa's lap and run, but don't do it before my camera's on and ready and in position."  You would've thought it was a stealth CIA mission.

Here are the results of one mean Mommy and Daddy working together.

Then Mommy had to step in.  I guess I was the Saving Angel of Mercy.  So I was the buffer between Santa and Josh.  And we STILL got a picture like this:

Ah memories.  And don't I look my best.  I didn't think we'd get out of the car, let alone get my picture taken. 

And look at Santa VERY closely.  He's special.  He must be one of the 7,000 The Arc helps.  He was so sweet to Josh.  As we started to leave, he called Chad over to him and said, "You can tell him I'm a real person.  My name is Don."  He wanted to make sure that Josh knew he was real and was okay.  It was priceless.  The $5 donation was well worth it.  I hope Don has wonderful memories of playing Santa.

Stupid hormones....now I'm crying.......

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