Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stupid Baker's Man

I've been in the baking mood lately.  Not because I want to be, but because nothing sounds good.  I know kind of an oxymoron,  but nothing sounds good to eat, so I think of something that sounds good - and consequently, most of the time I have to make it!  For instance, in the last 6 days, I've spent 4 of them making something with my favorite chef - Josh!  He's always up for 'helping Mommy stir.'  I've made cinnamon rolls, a new recipe of chocolate chip cookies (they were awful!), seafood dip, and corn dip.  Now, don't get me wrong.  Some of these things I made were good, but only the first time.  I'd take a bite or eat them for one day, then the next, they made me want to hurl. 

Here is my favorite chef and my favorite tester.  They were licking the beaters from the cookies.

And all this time, poor Chad just hangs on for the ride.  The messy kitchen, a wife who can't make up her mind on anything let alone something as small as what to eat, not to mention the monumental mood swings.  (No that wasn't an earthquake, just my mood swing.)

Hang in there guys....only 7 more months to go! 

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