Monday, March 2, 2015

Random Happenings

So lately here at the Duerksen hacienda, we've been maintaining chaos.  

And by we, I mean I.

I have been maintaining chaos.  (Chad doesn't often think our house is chaotic, he's pretty even-Steven about things.)

So, just to give you a little glimpse, as if you were a fly on my wall, here are some things that haven happened around here lately.

1.  I found chocolate pudding splatters 6 feet high on my wall in the dining room.  No biggie, except.....I couldn't tell you the last time the kids had chocolate pudding.  Hmmmmm....maybe I should amp up my cleaning.....or just get rid of the things causing the mess!  

2.  Macey doesn't wear pants.  And argues over the shirt she HAS to wear.  It's become so bad, that to cut down on the arguments, I tell her that if we are staying home, she can wear whatever shirt she chooses and doesn't have to wear pants.  But if we go somewhere, I get to choose what she wears.  And she's okay with that agreement.  (I'm telling you, the bargaining skills in this house could single-handedly end the Middle East crisis.)

3.  Molly continues to think that bath equals poop time.  One time, when I was getting her ready for the bath, she started passing gas as if she was revving up her engine!  

4.  Josh wrote something squiggly the other day.  He proudly showed me and said, "Look Mom!  I can write my name in Spanish!"  He meant cursive, but said Spanish, and it was neither.  (P.S.  If you ask him now, he knows its cursive.)

5.  I am so tired from getting up with Molly at night, I tried to 'microwave' something in the cabinet.  I knew something wasn't right when I went to punch the numbers.  

6.  The other day, Macey somehow threw a foam sword on top of the ceiling fan in the living room, right above her sister!  She came and told me, and a work out trying to get that one down!

7.  And.....we've caught 2 more skunks in the last 3 days.  2 in 3 Days people!  Yuck!

8.  And lastly, even the dog is in on it.  Or, more accurately, she's just caught in the crossfire.  I dropped grape jelly on her back the other day, as she was standing under me while I made a sandwich.  I decided that it was a small spot, she was getting a hair cut in a week anyway, and it just wasn't worth the effort or time to give her a bath.  Poor dog......

There's more.....but that's all I can think of at this point.  I'm sure you've seen this before, but it's becoming more and more true every day.

And just for the record...I was vomited on twice by 8 am by Miss Molly. can TAKE A HIKE!

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