So lately I've struggled with purpose.
I know I'm where I'm supposed to be.
Wiping butts, noses, cleaning, and most importantly-shaping the future.
I'm so lucky to be a stay-at-home mom.
Chad and I worked H-A-R-D to get here.
We saved, scrimped, did a trial run financially to make sure we could make it.
We W-O-R-K-E-D to have me be home. It wasn't easy, but we're here.
So....somedays can be overwhelming.
Overwhelming because my life is 3 little ones.
The only adult interaction I get is with Chad and Dog the Bounty Hunter on TV.
So somedays it's easy to focus on the here-and-now.
The kids that are loud and wake up the baby. The kids that won't play more than 10 feet from me.
The baby who refuses to go back to sleep at 3:30 like she's going to miss something.
The baby who has decided that 4:20 she'll cry for no good reason.
It's easy to lose sight of why it was important for me to be home.
I ran across this blog.
The post about "if my child marries yours" had me in tears.
It was great to have another mom, in the trenches with me, give me more purpose and focus.
It was refreshing.
I'm ready for those loud, clingy, crying kids that I love.
Bring it!
It is TRULY the toughest job you will ever love. What you do on a daily basis is SO important. No one else will have the impact you do.....shaping their little hearts and minds is the greatest thing you do......butt wiping is next. :o)