Monday, April 7, 2014


I thought I gave up meetings when I gave up teaching.  

Now my meetings revolve around the toilet.  Everyone comes when Mommy potties.  

In fact, I read a book about "I Just Want To Pee Alone".  It was fantastic!  (It was Mommy Humor.)


the real reason for this post is.....

we went to Josh's first REAL OFFICIAL Kindergarten meeting!

I thought I would be ready.

I thought it would be great.

One less kid in the house.

Add one....take one to school.


or so I thought.

We went to Kindergarten Round-Up today. 

It was during nap time.  

Macey did well playing on the floor with her princesses and her purse.  (And just for the record....if Macey would've come first and Josh was second...he would've NEVER sat as still and quiet as she did!)

Josh left us after 5 minutes.  They took the kids for a tour (I think) and then to their classrooms to hear a story and sing songs and play!  Not their actual class, but just split the up into the Kindergarten rooms.

Meanwhile, the parents got to hear the important stuff.  Like when screening is, when school starts, how it works (he'll only go 1/2 day for 6 weeks then a FULL DAY!)


Maybe it's the hormones making baby #3.  

Maybe it's because I missed MY naptime.

But my sweet and consoling husband couldn't W-A-I-T to get out of there.

He literally fast-walked to the car while the kids ran to keep up with him.

And we get home and he says....

"All I got to say better not have this baby during all those meetings in August.  Cuz I'm not going to 'em!"

That'a way honey!

And here's a snapshot of him....

Model parent, eh?!?

However...there was an upside to the whole thing!

Josh went with the swarm of kids (left my side) easily and after it was all over...he said he loved it!

We were trying to explain the timing of how he'll finish Miss Patti's class, summer break, new baby, then Kindergarten. 

Then Chad threw in T-Ball during summer break.  And Chad said it would be the most fun thing all year.

And Josh-without missing a beat-said "No Dad.  Kindergarten is MUCH funner!"

That's my boy!

Now.....only 4 more months for Mommy to get a grip on it.....

1 comment:

  1. I laughed so hard at Chad's picture!! He looks miserable.
    And I should have cut his hair sooner.....
