Thursday, December 5, 2013

Best Time of the Year My Butt.....

Everyone knows that famous Christmas song by Burl Ives.

You know the one.

"Have a holly, jolly Christmas.  It's the best time of the year!"

I'm callin' horse crap on that.

Today, restraint was practiced by the adults in the house .......

Did you know that you cannot shop-vac saw dust out of a little girls' hair? (Yes, I really did vacuum her hair.)

Did you know that it creates rats?  (Lots of them.)

Did you know that child abuse is ILLEGAL?

Did ya?!

Did you  also know that it's IMPOSSIBLE to shop-vac every piece of saw dust strung from here to eternity? 

Did ya?!

Did ya, huh?!?!??!

Ya see.....we're trying to finish our basement and the hubby has been framing the downstairs.

Framing involves wood.  

Wood makes dust.

Josh takes dust from 30 gallon trash can (was about 1/4-1/2 full of said saw dust) and decides that his innocent little sister reading a book on the couch is a great target.

Saw dust from here (and everywhere) to there.

Crying little girl.

Punished little boy.

Baffled parents.

Best time of the year my big wide, white butt!

Shove it, Burl!

1 comment:

  1. He isn't naughty.....I'm sure it was an experiment for his future as a Nobel award scientist!!! BTW - where are the pictures?????
