Monday, January 3, 2011

It's A Girl!!!!

We officially know the sex of the next Duerksen's a girl! 

Here are a few notable things from our visit:
  • our baby is healthy
  • my due date is still June 2
  • she weighs an approximate .5 pound!

 Here are some videos they were able to take.  It's really cool!  They didn't have this with Josh, so it's also neat to see how far technology has come in just two short years.


Then here are some pictures:
This first picture is always creepy.  They always look like aliens looking at you.  If you can make it out, her head is on the left and she is lying on her side.  The little round thing towards the top is her hand with the bigger round thing without eye sockets is her tummy.

In this next picture, she has her legs extended and her feet are crossed at the ankles. 

And now and forever, our Duerksen girl will have her privacy violated.  Yes, if you can make it out, this is a shot from behind, with her feet extended and crossed at the ankles with nothing hanging in between.  (Hence how we knew it was a girl.)


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