Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shopping with Grandma

Many fun things happen when we go 'shopping store' with Grandma.  Such as this...

(His Daddy's probably just sharted in his pants after seeing those photos.)

But there are many GOOD things that happen when we go shopping with Grandma: eat out, watch DVDs in her car, steer shopping carts, etc.  Mommy also loves to shop with Grandma because she gives me great advice.  This one of my last bargains.

It's a new lamp for new baby D's room.  Her room will be in pink, brown, brown with pink polka dots, and a pink/brown paisley.  Grandma is making ALL of her room decor - bumper pads, sheet, bed skirt, valance for the window, diaper stacker, etc.  Aren't I so lucky!? 

I thought I knew what I wanted and ordered it from, but when it came, I just wasn't as blown away with it as I thought I would be.  So.....after looking at fabric, my personal seamstress offered to do it!  I looked on the web and for what she is doing, it would cost me a minimum of $650.  I can't afford to pay that, but I can give hugs, kisses, and the same from the cutest boy in the world!

We Have An Ornithologist in the Family

OK.  So you're probably going, "What the heck is an Ornithologist?"  Well, look at these pictures and see if you can guess. 

It's a person who studies and watches birds!!!  Josh is obsessed with birds, planes, balloons, anything that flies in the sky.  And on Saturday, we happened to be the luckiest family on the PLANET because about 30 blackbirds came and landed in our backyard to eat.  This kept Josh busy for a good 10-15 minutes. 

Here's how he ended up before the birds decided our buffet in the backyard wasn't enough.  He got Zoey in on the action too because she HATES birds in our backyard. 

It was the best 10-15 minutes of my Saturday.  Sitting on my couch with my son watching birds and seeing his excitement at the littlest thing. 

The Wedding

Josh had the privilege of being his Aunt Amy's ring bearer in her wedding.  She got married on New Year's Day.  There's a little back story on all this, but to save all the time and effort to tell you, here are the basics:
  • On the way from our house to the rehearsal dinner (an hour plus away), I forgot my dress maternity pants and Josh's black dress shoes.  Me in tears, my Daddy rummaging through closet to find the maternity pants, Josh is fussy and tired of riding in car for a trip that has now doubled in time, etc.
  • Josh running amok at the rehearsal.  Hey, at least he was happy!
  • Stay night in hotel.  Takes 2 hours to get Josh to sleep.
  • Wake up call at 1 am from Josh barfing and spewing pink vomit on me.  Ewww.
  • Daddy gagging at barf.
  • Josh, Daddy, and me all fit in a queen sized bed.  Me sleeping with no pillow (thanks to Josh stealing it) and on only 2 inches of the bed.
  • Wake up early by Josh saying "GO, GO!" and pointing to the hotel room door.
  • Leave the hotel in record time.  Poor cleaning lady.
Now, you're caught up to the day of the wedding.  Here are some pictures I had time to take.

We brought his new truck Great Grandma Evie and Great Grandpa Hoyt bought him just in case he got cold feet and didn't want to walk down the isle.  We thought he might push it down the isle as a bribe, but he didn't even need it!

In order for Josh to make it down the isle, we had to have some strategic planning on our parts.  Since Josh was being really clingy, I kept Josh with me until about an hour before the wedding.  And even though his Daddy had to usher, he stuck right with him.  Chad ushered everyone with Josh in one arm.  They did great. 

And here's a little entertainment.  He loves that dump truck!

Josh did make it down the isle.  His Daddy made him practice, like, 4 times between the rehearsal dinner and just being at the church.

Here he is sitting like a big boy with Uncle Ross and Daddy while pictures were being taken. 

Sadly, these are all I got.  I hoping that the photographer got some better ones. 

P.S.  There was more barfing that night.  Ah, the joys of Motherhood!

Friday, January 14, 2011

She Made My Day!

As I was walking in to school, one of my colleagues absolutely MADE MY DAY!!  After my post yesterday of still having half my pregnancy to go, she said to me....(and I'm almost positive she does not read my blog)

"How far along are you?"


"WOW!  You could still pass for not even being pregnant!  And with it even being your second pregnancy!"

There was a time in my life, well, my first pregnancy, that that would have offended me.  Doesn't every pregnant women want people to know their pregnant?  (And the pain and agony and all the other 'normal' things that go on with with us while we're pregnant?!)

But today......IT MADE MY DAY!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I made it!  I'm officially halfway thru my pregnancy!  I'm really excited.  Tonight I'm going to treat myself to.....well.....I don't know.  But i do have a relaxing evening planned by myself.  After putting Josh to bed, I'll be in my warmest, snuggest PJs watching either Law & Order: SVU I taped from last night or my new favorite show Brad Meltzer's Decoded on the History Channel.  (I got my Dog the Bounty Hunter fix last night!)

But, here is one thing you should NEVER EVER say to a pregnant lady, let alone your loving wife bearing your child.......

"I thought you were already past the halfway point."

Gee...wonder who's looking forward to meeting our baby girl first?!?!

Fresh Pineapple

I was in the mood for some fresh pineapple.  It's amazing how much different fresh tastes from canned.  And there's even a difference in canned!  Canned generic is NOT as good as canned Dole.  Don't ask me why.  I guess I'm just a 'pineapple conesuer.'

Josh really likes this.  He sits by the cutting board after I get started and as I cut, he shovels. 

I'm so happy that my boy seems to have a great taste in good foods that are good for him.  Don't get me wrong, buying fresh fruit in the winter is heck on the pocket book, but....just look at him.  Happy.  Healthy.  And a full tummy.  What more could a mom ask for?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas in Okeene

OK.  So when Christmas in Okeene came around, I was obviously less camera happy.  I guess with all the hustle of kids running around and the things Josh could get into or climb on, it just didn't cross my mind.  But, here are some pictures I did get.

The Brown cousins got a new puppy!  They hadn't even had her 24 hours, so all the kids (except Josh and Meghan) were excited to hold her. 

Here are Josh and Daddy playing.  Josh really wanted to stand on a ball.  (I'm blaming it on cartoons and hopefully not a daredevil streak.)

Meghan and Josh greeting each other.  Josh LOVES to hug Meghan!

Then they found this old ball and both started to play with it.  Josh did a WONDERFUL job of sharing!

Then we got to open presents.  Look at that concentration!!

And we always try to get a cousins picture.  It just keeps growing every year!  And check out the Duerksen boy throwing a fit.  Yeah, he was done.


With more than 15 adults in a 1.5 bathroom house it gets kinda cramped, but we always enjoy it.  Especially the snack tray permanently displayed in the kitchen!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Duerksen Farm Christmas Day 2

Then on Sunday morning, we woke up and opened stoc king.  Josh was so excited to see that Santa had brought him two small construction trucks.

Santa also brought him a 'big boy' John Deere winter hat.  He had been wearing Daddy's because the baby one had gotten too small.  So this was PERFECT!

Here he is helping Grandma Janet pick up toys before church.  (Don't ya just love the pampers sticking out like a future 'plumber'?)

Tried to get a few goood picture of him all dressed up and handsome by the Christmas tree, but....well....

Please tell me he isn't learing the 'fat neck' thing like his father.  I might have to 'fix' that....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas at the Duerksen Farm

This year we did Christmas with the Duerksen side the weekend before Christmas.  We went to the farm and had a great time.  We opened presents on Saturday night. 

Josh and Uncle Ross

Taking a break to re-hydrate.

Josh was MUCH better at opening presents this year.

Uncle Ross and Aunt Cheryl got Josh a pull along Caterpillar that does many things.  It sings the ABCs, does letter sounds, colors, numbers, you name it, it probably does it! 

Aunt Amy and soon-to-be Uncle Paul gave Josh a new color book and a big box of crayons. 

Then came the B-I-G present.  Grandma and Grandpa bought him a pedal John Deere tractor.  His feet are way too short to pedal it, but that doesn't stop him.  He just has to beg different people to pull him around. 

Then after all the excitement of opening presents had died down, he took Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Ross off to go play.  Josh found Aunt Cheryl's boots and wanted to wear them. 

We had a really great time.


Monday, January 3, 2011

It's A Girl!!!!

We officially know the sex of the next Duerksen's a girl! 

Here are a few notable things from our visit:
  • our baby is healthy
  • my due date is still June 2
  • she weighs an approximate .5 pound!

 Here are some videos they were able to take.  It's really cool!  They didn't have this with Josh, so it's also neat to see how far technology has come in just two short years.


Then here are some pictures:
This first picture is always creepy.  They always look like aliens looking at you.  If you can make it out, her head is on the left and she is lying on her side.  The little round thing towards the top is her hand with the bigger round thing without eye sockets is her tummy.

In this next picture, she has her legs extended and her feet are crossed at the ankles. 

And now and forever, our Duerksen girl will have her privacy violated.  Yes, if you can make it out, this is a shot from behind, with her feet extended and crossed at the ankles with nothing hanging in between.  (Hence how we knew it was a girl.)