Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Checkin' Off My List

So......it's November 19.......


Say Whaaaaa?!?!?

That's right.  It's November.  In the teens even.  


No, no.  Don't be jealous.  Really.  You see, here's how it went down.

Two days ago, I meantion to Hubby of the Year (for the moment anyway) that I would like to put up the tree before Thanksgiving.

Since we're in a new house, I wanted to bounce ideas off of him on where to put it.  (Not that I'm not going to put it wherever I want, but still.)

We discussed some places, then moved furniture to make the tree easily visible from the kitchen and the living room, but not so visible that it is a target to get knocked over everyday.

Then the next day, I come home from driving to the big city to take Josh to preschool and shop with Macey (which has become our thang)........

And POOF!  Tree has appeared and is assembled.

Dang!  Now I really have to get it done.  

Cuz......who wants to look at a fake, bare, yucky tree.

And the kids whinin' and a beggin'.  That'll make ya get 'er done!  Just to make them happy!  (And quiet.)


I try to save some things that I need to accomplish (that don't take much effort or sanity) for when Chad's not home to help pass the time, which made today Tree Decorating Day!

I fluffed the tree.  You know.....pulled the fake, itchy branches into somewhat of a reasonably realistic manner.  

Am I the only one who sneezes and itches after dinkin' with a fake tree?

I think I'm allergic to putting up the tree.  I'll have to hire it done from now on.

Then I had bought some new ribbon for the tree at Michaels the other day.  I was so stinkin' excited to put that up, that I did.  

Without lights.

I remember the darn lights after all the ribbon was on and looked purty.

Damn it.

Take the ribbon back off. 

Put stupid lights on.  They're white lights.

Or they're supposed to be.  

Some are old and they glow yellow.  But, hey, it fits.

Then by this time, I forgot to mention that the tree may be up, with lights, but MY PATIENCE IS GONE!

I swear to you......no matter where I am....those 2 munchkins follow me around like St. Bernard Ticks.  

They're big.  Sometimes drool.  And are constantly knocking things over.

We decided to put our tree between the couch and the chair.  If you drew a box around the tree about 3 foot square........

All three of us (2 kids and me) were in that small area.  

By a tree that I had to level out with a Dinosaur Train book. 

Cuz said Hubby of the Year broke my tree stand. 

He says he didn't, but it wasn't that way last year when I left it!

And there was a branch missing.

Oh, I didn't mention those things....missing branch, leaning tree, and kids in small area!

Yep.  It was fun.  I just wanted to yell, "Darn it kids.  I'm trying to make you memories here.  Back up and let Mommy do!"

So Mimi arrived and brought dinner.  We took a dinner break and I was refreshed to finish decorating the tree.

At first, Josh was the only one who wanted to help.  But like most things in the Duerksen family, Macey wants to do whatever Josh does.  And better.

We set up a system because both kids wanted to help.  

Macey took the EXTREMELY FRAGILE ornaments out of the tub and R-A-N to hand them to Josh who was waiting at the tree.  

Then he placed them appropriately.

It worked out fairly well.  No broken ornaments. 

This is a close up as to how they were spaced.  He started off sooooo good!  They were perfectly spaced!  Then, right as I told Mimi to look at that, whamo.....

After we did the tree, we got out our Nativity.  Although, Josh calls it our 'activity'.  

It was so neat to see how this year Josh was SUPER excited about getting it out.  He's been old enough to remember it for about 2 years now.

You could see his pure joy when he got them all out of the boxes.

And of course anything Josh can do, Macey can do it better and faster!

She liked seeing them too. 

If only because Josh did.

Our Christmas season is off to a good start.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Great Day

I was so thankful for the nice weather outside today.

Less windy than yesterday (we had a high wind gust of about 50) and warmer.


the Duerksen kids (big and small) went outside.

An that's pretty much how it was-Daddy in the lead, Josh next, and Macey picking up the rear.

And she liked it that way!  She was happy to just be.

Then Josh took a tumble:

Then they made a 'base'.  (You can tell what they play at recess at preschool some days.)

And then the running stopped.  Josh's cough caught up with him.

So Macey got the ball!

And then she took a break.

And then the sun went down and we all went inside.

But it was sooooo good to be out!

Gramma Evie Rocks!

Macey loves any kind of carb.

She will NEVER be on an Adkin's Diet.

She loves bread, noodles, etc.

But her FAVORITE is Gramma Evie Noodle Casserole.

I put in a request for some, since Macey had been asking for it and got this:

A HUGE 9x12 pan that is probably 3 inches deep of casserole.

I froze most of it into smaller portions, but Macey still ate on it.  

In fact, we got it last Sunday, and she's had it for at least one meal everyday.

One day she even woke up and wanted it for breakfast!

Girl loves her some Gramma Evie Noodle Casserole!

Thanks Gramma Evie!

And Mom of the Year Goes To.....

Today we had a birthday party to go to.

Or at least I thought.

We were all dressed nicely, in the car, with said birthday present and......

I checked my text from the mom and......

it's the next week.

Kids screaming.

Kids unhappy.

Husband confused.

"Who wants candy?!"

That fixed it.

Except for the husband.

Mom of the Year.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Things That Make You Go.......WHAAAA?????

I must just be running out of patience with society.

I know that we live in a free country, but some people take that WAY too far.

I've been running across thing that just plain make me say, "What the world?"

Here are a few:

Do you EVER in this LIFETIME see Chad wearing PJs like that?!?!

And do you ever see me being the type of mom to allow that?!  

Encouraging gaming or electronics on the potty?  

Oh where to start?!?!  Peeing on the screen (even though it has a screen protector), peeing everywhere because you're watching something, never getting off the potty, abusing the potty so you can have screen time, etc.


Then I was looking for more inspiration for decorating my kitchen (coffee themes) and ran across this:


That's right.  He wants to put coffee in the nether regends and retain it for about 20 minutes.  WTW?  

I'll drink mine Dr. Wilson.

I could post more things that are weird, but where to stop?!?!?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treating 2013

This year was SOOOOO much fun trick or treating!  Macey was well enough (and the nite air was good for her) and both kids were old enough to truly enjoy the time.

It started of with our traditional dinner at Mimi's.

Mimi went all out with fun festive food for the kids.  Peanut butter cracker sandwiches with arms and eyes, google eyes glued onto plates (non-edible we had to remind the kids), dirt 'n' worms for dessert, etc.  

However, if you know Josh and Macey.....you know they don't like anything new!!!!!

However, by the end, Josh did try a gummy worm and liked it.  We made a SUPER big deal out of it.  (The trying something new and liking it thing...)

Then we started to get dressed in our costumes.

I swear......even as the adult......it didn't get dark fast enough!

I knew the kids would enjoy trick or treating.

I knew they were old enough to 'get it.'

And that blankity-blank sun wouldn't go D-O-W-N!!!

It finally did and we started to get our costumes on.

This is how Macey wanted to go.

It took quite some convincing to get her to actually put on her costume.

Then we started to trick or treat.

But first.....you know the drill.....


Originally, I was not planning on Macey wearing her dress up shoes.  

I should've known better.

But, she worn those darn things all night!  She even ran in them!

Before any body could blink, the kids saw other kids trick or treating in the neighborhood and were IMMEDIATELY begging to start.  

And start we did.

After about the first nine houses, we had to carry Macey to each next house.    We'd let her down in the driveways.  I figure.....if you're going to be taking part in the candy takings, you can walk like a big girl!  

This next picture is my favorite.

Josh was the doorbell ringer.  We had to keep reminding him to only ring once.  


He was so stinkin' excited, he kept peeking in the windows to see when they were coming!


Being a kid, having limited candy by mean ol' parents, then one night out of the year you get to go say a phrase and people GIVE you FREE candy!  You didn't have to do something nice or keep you pants dry.  They just give it to you!

We did stop by Uncle Ross and Aunt Cheryl's house.  Baby Tanner was dressed up like Harry Potter.

Here's a couple pics:

At one house after Uncle Ross's, Macey tripped and a little candy spilled out of her bucket.  But what'd'ya know.....so did candy wrappers.  Guess Daddy wasn't just HOLDING the bucket!


And by the end, Josh was able to tell me the rules:

"I know, I know Mom.  Only go to houses with lights on, let them put the candy in your bucket, only take one if they let you get it, say thank you, and pick up my tail."   (His tail kept dragging in the water from the rain the night before.)  He was so mature!  

He knew the rules.

Didn't sneak any candy.

Was super patient and kind and generous with his sister.

It was a GREAT night had by all.

Even the parents got some candy......after the dinosaur and the princess went to bed!