So today, after working a TON lately (by Sunday he'll have worked 5 out of the last 7 days), he decides that is is the PERFECT day to dig up a tree.
I even made him Marble Squares and Bubble Bread and this is the thanks I get? Manual Labor?
I've told him many times.
Get a good look at this body. It was NOT made for manual labor.
Because I really try to do most things Chad wants on his days off when he's works a ton, I obliged.
We all got on yucky clothes and went outside.
Everyone got a shovel, even the kids.
Josh has a small bucket (not sure why, but I'm sure it'll be useful) and a hand trowel.
Really, a hand trowel to dig up a tree? But by the end we had commandeered it.
We weren't even 30 minutes into the job and.......
Chad broke our good digger.
Is this a sign?
But boy, is he strong. He even breaks heavy-duty stuff at work. Not on purpose, mind you. That's just how strong my man is!
Here's a picture of the tree. Notice how Josh isn't even helping dig the tree. He's off digging somewhere else.
Our plan of attack was to dig around the root ball and loosen it. Then those dang roots weren't loosening.
So Chad brought out the ax.
I made sure that EVERYONE was way back.
I know he knows what he's doing, but good golly. He was really whacking that thing. (Must be frustration from that dang sneeky skunk.)
Macey was really throwing some tantrums.
Yep. The Terrible Two's have hit.
By the end, there was so much fit-throwing and crying, we all (including Josh) were pretending it was a radio.)
"Now on 99.6 MACE FM is Macey all day with "I'll cry every minute".
And this is how I worked.
With Macey not even 2 feet behind me.
I had to be super careful not to whack her with my shovel handle. Cuz I wouldn't want anyone crying now would I? Ha!
Oh, and notice how Josh still has his bucket. He was digging for Roly Polys.
Well, at least he was digging.
So that plan of attack wasn't working, so Chad had to make it more messy come up with something else.
What loosens dirt? Water!
What does that make?
Notice how Zoey's in the background just chillin'. Nothing phased her. She is such a good dog.
I think he just wanted another tool!
And this is the point where Chad took Josh's small shovel.
Then here is the most beautiful girl in the world.
And Zoey just chillin' again....
Notice how her eyes are even shut.
(She's come such a long way since before we had kids. Who knew she'd adjust so well??)
And then....
Josh had to go potty.
So what have we taught him to do when he's outside?
Pee on trees.
And what tree does he decide to pee on?
That's right ladies and gentlemen. The one we are digging up!
In all his glory, he just pulls his pants down and let's 'er fly.
Mixin' with all that mud and water.
I did get a picture (cuz I'm sooooo gunna remind him of this someday). But not gunna post it. I do have lines I don't cross (just not many of them).
And that is how I dug the last 45 minutes. Not much diggin' goin' on, but a whole lotta huggin'!
However, she did leave me long enough to go get a soup ladle (it was a sandbox toy at the old house).
We were thoroughly getting fed up with this stupid tree by now, so we tried to pull a little more with the truck.
NOT. We broke the chain.
But then I had a bright idea to start hacking at the root ball. Not like we wanted it anyway.
Then we started to hack on one side of the root ball and hopefully, we could just push it over.
Here's what the girls were working on.
Talking seriously, loving lots, and building a relationship.
Macey would do so well with a puppy. Mama's just not ready for one.
And here's how dirty the kids got.
Daddy was the dirtiest, then Josh, then me, then Macey.
Macey had a giant mud glop on the side of her face courtesy of her brother.
She was a sport about it.
And.....the tree down is.....
Well, I didn't get a picture of that. By the end, the kids were crying and muddy. I was fed up with that blankity, blank tree. And I was so mad at it, I didn't even want to take a picture.
But Chad said the whole time, "This is making a memory."
Bull. It's making me want Advil.
However, the one memory we will remember is Josh peeing on the the tree we were digging.
So.......now we have the tree out, but we're down a shovel and a chain.