Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Birds, Birds, Birds!

We have tons of birds at our house!  Josh thinks this is so cool, and so do I. 

We have 'House Finches' building a nest on our front door!  This is the view out of the kitchen window.
If you look close, the mama bird is sitting on on the nest.  She has 4 eggs in there!

Then this is in the backyard.  A Robin has built a great nest in the V of our tree.  At first there was only one egg, then the next day two eggs, and finally 3 eggs!

Josh loves to peek at the eggs.  Such a great learning experience!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter at MiMi's and PaPi's

We went over for Easter lunch at MiMi and PaPi's after going to church as a family.
We had to wait a little bit to go over, which was hard for some of us, because the Eater Bunny was rumored to be there.

We had barely got out of the car, when Josh knew the Easter Bunny had come.  (See the car door not shut...) 

All the adult women had a camera of some kind.  Some of us (ahem...MiMi) had both a camcorder and still-picture camera!

He was CONSTANTLY on the go.....

Once we had hunted all the eggs, PaPi and I went behind Josh and tossed more out of his basket to keep the hunting going. 

The Easter Bunny put Peanut M&Ms in each egg. 

Can you guess what color he snuck out of an egg? 

We had the best time outside hunting eggs....then it was off to eat! 

I love meals made by Mimi and Grandma Evie. 


Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Done!

Stick a fork in me...I'M DONE!

This baby has kicked, poked, prodded, and caused all sorts of 'normal' pregnancy pains......and I'm done.

It hit me the other day, whilst I was dreaming of a L-O-N-G massage by someone who is not watching Sports Center and can focus....that last time I was pregnant, towards the end, she refused to rub my feet good because of 'pressure points.'

So today, while I'm silently wallowing in my misery while teaching, I google 'contraction massage points'. 


Check this out.

Turns out there are tons.

I'm rubbing/pushing on everything they say.  Screw the "not before 41 weeks."  Bring her on!

Now, if only I can find a picture of these points so Chad can rub.....